Morning 8am we started our journey to Zhongdian (中甸)
which is also known as Shangri-la (香格里拉)
ATSL: 3380m
Shangri-la was describe in 1933 James Hilton's novel, Lost Horizon.
In 2001 17th Dec, State council finally approved and also named Zhong Dian as Shangri-la.
Yak- a symbol of wealth of Tibetan family
Highest mountain in Yunnan, Meri Snow mountain (梅里雪山)
One of the Zang's holy mountain (藏传佛教四大神山之一)
High: 6740m
Low: 1300m
It was also known as Medical herbs mountain. It had grown 960+ medical herbs.
You can find lots of saffron (藏红花) here.
One of the disappointment in China, dirty toilets without doors.
On our way to Shangri-la, we take a toilet break and have a scene of the first blend of Yangtze river.
Yangtze River
Pudacuo National Park (普达措国家公园)
Bitahai Lake (碧塔海)
Shudu Lake (属都湖)
ATSL: 4159m highest ground
ASTL: 3200m lowest ground
We were told that 2 days ago, it snowed at the park, so everybody wear extra jacket/ coats.
Some even bought oxygen tank in case of difficulty of breathing.
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